For example someone as influential as Tyra Banks should be at least confronted about a photoshop stunt she recently pulled. And I really won’t stand for “she probably didn’t know they were going to photoshop it” excuse. Her intention was to redo the Sports Illustrated cover from 1997 just to prove she still looks good in a bikini even though she gained weight since she ended her modeling career. Not only did they reshape and resize her body, but she is completely airbrushed! Basically she contradicted herself, I mean she did make that “kiss my ass” speech that must have touched the hearts of a lot of girls and women, and don’t get me wrong it took a lot of guts to do what she did but….why hop onto the vanity train for the second time Tyra?!

That sort of manipulation is wrong and isn’t very useful, and this is because the message she’s trying to get across is not at all necessary. This was used to brainwash the public into believing that Tyra still has “it”. But other types of editing are welcome in perspective. Like for news reports, enhancing a photo is fine, but it can go to far when the photo fits the story a little too well. Any good journalist knows that a caption should be written after a photo is taken, and the caption should be built off of the photo, not the other way around. The story has the same rules, if a photo is manipulated to fit a story then that photo is a fake.
The O.J Simpson case is a different story. I do believe that James Gaines really intended for the picture to present itself with artistic purposes rather than a racist remark. The only mistake that Time Magazine made was when it was released, but there are always the pros and cons. So they did take a big risk but I think that since they backed themselves up with a reasonable explanation, they’re okay. I can see how some people did get offended; those people were either fans of O.J or apart of the black community.

The latest photo manipulation issue that has caught my eye was pulled by Time Magazine once again, but I still don’t see all the harm in it! And I know my history, I know about world war II so I’m not being ignorant I’m just judging from a less politically affected perspective. They replaced the American flag with a tree, and this is to show that fighting against global warming is as hard as the fight of WWII. This is true, but some people who have lived through this and are very patriotic consider it a disgrace. Time Magazine had the right to publish this because they knew it would get people talking. Their approach to the issue took a lot of guts, but it really did have an affect, which is better than nothing.

Again, photo manipulation is basically the latest trend, and it’s really harmless but it all depends on how it’s used.
Works CitedArtist not available. “Tyra Banks: KISS MY FAT ASS. :].” YouTube. June 03, 2008.June 11 2008.
Artist not available. “Tyra Banks Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Pictures.” Hollywood Tuna. Date not available. June 11, 2008.
Artist not available. “June 1994” Photo Tampering Throughout History. Date not available. June 11 1008.
Artist not available. “Time Magazine’s Feeling The Heat Over Global Warming Cover.”EcoRazzi.April 18 2008.June 11 2008.
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