First of all, I think that the muchmusic environment is pretty awesome, considering that the majority of the people were at ease but still remaining professional. But at the same time I was a little shocked when I noticed how much work these people actually do to keep the station at it’s best. When Matte Babel was doing little bits of hosting we thought we were on air, but it turns out only half of that was sound check, I can only imagine what the rest was. All of it sounds and looks very technical to me but I can tell by how many people were in the room and ‘behind the scenes’ that a lot of effort is put into Muchmusic. When I was moved to the side by the floor director Kwami, I looked behind me and saw how many screens there were, all of them had different camera views. The lady behind me had a huge control dashboard infront of her, and it looked like the biggest keyboard I have ever seen. It looks like a pretty confusing job, but I can tell that these people are pretty trained and educated considering the fact that they are all at ease. That’s what I love about the place, everyone seems to be in a chilled out mood, which I honestly did not expect, because I thought there would be strict rules and stuck up employees. I bet there are other stations like that but, I liked what I saw.
The director J.P didn’t really have much control over the hosts though, he wasn’t pushy enough. Matte had approached us so many times attempting to strike up a conversation but J.P would always interrupt him, and even when Matte was being called over he would basically ignore J.P. When Leah came in she was insisting to do and say something her way but it looks like Matte always has the final say because he basically told her no, and she seemed to be sulking a bit but, she does look like the whiney type anyway. Matte should be the director because he just seems to have the most power in the room, and he is very approachable which balances out his bossy side. I think that all the hosts are powerful in their own ways though even Tim, was impressive although he was a lot more subtle than Matte, of course this is the impression the hosts want us to believe just to keep a clean reputation. I understand that, but they are all equally outgoing and extroversive. During the commercials the hosts came up to us and tried to make the most conversation they could, which I thought pretty cool as well.
The camera men actually seemed to reappear at the most random times, maybe I only noticed them when I wasn’t distracted by Matte, or when I wasn’t posing for a photo. I also tried to direct the most of my attention to the people working behind me but it looks like they were working harder when the commercials were rolling. What really grabbed my attention was when someone asked to go to the washroom and she had to be walked out by a bodyguard, and they also announced that she had to go to everyone there; I guess it was to let everyone know she wasn’t just a random walking around. I would love to work at Much, I actually have a cousin who was an editor there for awhile, and he said that it was a cool environment but he was so intimidated that he always made sure he did his work even if he worked overtime. It looks like the people that work there have an equal amount of respect amongst each other but at the same time nothing is taken too seriously, and MuchMusic is still a fabulous station.